
Saturday, September 30, 2023

The World Wellbeing Association is concerned that a new 'Illness X' may spark a global epidemic. History suggests that the next great flare-up may be something we haven't seen before.'

The World Health Organisation has added a perplexing "Sickness X" to a list of ailments that it thinks might spark a global pandemic in the future. The organization presented a list of diseases that it believes pose a significant risk to the general population because of their capacity to spread a plague and the limited therapy available to combat them. Infections such as Ebola, Zika, Lassa fever, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars), which have all recently been reported, are classified as major threats. Regardless, the WHO has added the depressingly named Sickness X to its requirement list this year, after a February poll of wellness professionals. Illness X is, in fact, not a new threat in and of itself, but rather a hypothetical illness that may emerge from now on and wreak untold disease over the planet. "Sickness X addresses the information that a serious global pandemic could be made by a microbe as of now obscure human illness" , the World Health Organisation said in a statement. It went on to say that medical authorities were preparing for an as-yet unnamed hazard to ensure "innovative work readiness that is significant for an obscure Illness X beyond what many would consider possible." "History tells us that the next large flare-up may be something we haven't seen before," John-Arne Rottingen, CEO of the Exploration Chamber of Norway and a logical counsel to the WHO council, told The Message. "It may appear strange to include a 'X,' but the point is to ensure we are prepared and plan ahead of time for immunisations and demonstrative tests." "We need to see 'fitting and play' stages created which will work for any, or a wide number of illnesses; frameworks that will permit us to make countermeasures at speed." Mr Rottingen stated that Illness X might originate from several origins, despite the fact that it was most likely formed through zoonotic transmission, in which an irresistible ailment that normally burdens critters leaps to humans. The two zoonoses include Ebola and salmonella infection, as well as HIV, which is thought to have been passed from chimps to humans in the mid-twentieth century. "As the environment and human natural surroundings change there is consistently the gamble of illness bouncing from creatures to people" , he stated.
"It's a typical cycle, and we must be aware of it and prepare for it." It is most certainly the most serious wager." The WHO stated that a few other groups of disorders, such as hemorrhagic fevers and developing non-polio enteroviruses, were removed off its requirement list. It did, however, state that these microbes posed a major risk to public health and should be "observed cautiously" and maybe evaluated for integration one year from now. What exactly is Infection X? "Sickness X is possibly and possibly caused by a microbe X.'" It might be linked to zoonotic infection, most likely an RNA infection, emerging from an area where the epidemiological group of three - climate has favoured transmission. "These arising/reappearing z microorganisms can be labelled as X, and they are a threat that necessitates extraordinary and continuous dynamic reconnaissance and observation," Dr Rastogi explains. There is speculation concerning the possibility of condition X as an engineered pandemic bacterium. According to the expert, coincidental research facility disasters or as a display of bioterrorism might result in a severe Illness X that could create a widespread horrifying risk. Avoidance "Regulation and relief methodologies include the development and implementation of uniform global rules to combat bioterrorism." To prevent the spread of microbe X across borders, quick and proper travel restrictions, including stringent air terminal screening, are expected to be implemented. To investigate, regulate, and eliminate illness X, international pioneers, researchers, disease transmission professionals, and irresistible infection specialists must work together. Dr Rastogi believes that "broad and mass testing, reconnaissance, and forceful contact following are possible successful apparatuses to opportunely contain episode-like circumstances." "Concentrated efforts to accelerate the entry, quick accessibility of prompt clinical measures - test packs, immunisations, and emergency treatment - anticipated prior to and during the pandemic." "A continuous continuum of investigation on the preventive angle - improvement and interaction of immunisations requires support and elevated needs to subside and combat serious antagonistic outcomes of infection X," she adds. "A One Wellbeing approach which targets crossing over institutional holes, fabricating and separating need hazard and ready microorganisms and underscoring on moderation methodologies for arising and reappearing microbes - potential illness X ought to be the need of an hour to forestall these worldwide and worldwide fiascoes," concludes the professor.

Earn Money from home by Blog: World Heart Day 2023: If you don't have these symp...

Earn Money from home by Blog: World Heart Day 2023: If you don't have these symp...: World Heart Day implies that our heart is a motor that keeps everything running smoothly in our bodies. World Heart Day is observed ann...

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Last Supermoon of 2023 is Friday means Today .

Last Supermoon of 2023 is Today , Friday . The full harvest moon in September is the year's last supermoon. The full harvest moon will rise in the early morning hours of September 29, also marking the year's fourth and final supermoon. According to NASA, the September full moon will achieve peak illumination about 5:58 a.m. ET Friday, although it will remain fully lighted until Saturday morning. Supermoon definitions vary, but the word commonly refers to a full moon that is closer to Earth than usual and hence looks larger and brighter in the night sky. The moon will be 224,854 miles (361,867 kilometers) from Earth, which is approximately 14,046 miles (22,604 kilometers) closer than its typical distance. The year's closest supermoon occurred on August 30, when the moon was just 221,954 miles (357,200 km) from Earth. According to NASA, the full moon in September will be around 5% larger and 13% brighter than the typical full moon. According to some astronomers, the phenomenon happens when the moon is within 90% of perigee, its closest orbital approach to Earth. The term harvest moon refers to the season of harvesting since the event happens at the beginning of autumn, or the autumnal equinox, which happened on September 23 this year. According to The Old Farmer's Almanack, this time of year is when many crops peak in the Northern Hemisphere, and the brilliant moon once helped farmers labor into the evening to harvest their abundance before the first frost. Other indigenous cultures' names for September's full moon include the Abenaki tribe's corn making moon, the Lakota people's moon of brown leaves, and the Passamaquoddy tribe's autumn moon. According to Royal Museums Greenwich, other harvest-celebrating customs around this time include the Korean festival of Chuseok and the Japanese Buddhist holiday of Higan, both of which honor the recollection of ancestors. Many people connect the harvest moon with being orange when it rises, however this could be true of any full moon. According to EarthSky, the color is caused by the thickness of Earth's atmosphere towards the horizon, which is larger than when the full moon is above.
According to The Planetary Society, several planets are now visible in the night sky. Saturn, which is gold-tinged, and Jupiter, which is dazzling, rise in the east and appear high in the late hours, while Venus (one of the brightest objects seen in the night sky) glows before dawn. Mercury, meanwhile, dances low down the eastern horizon before sunrise. Supermoons and full moons According to the Farmers' Almanack, the following full moons will occur in 2023: 28th of October: Hunter's moon Beaver moon on November 27th December 26: Full moon Solar and lunar eclipses On October 14, people across North, Central, and South America will be able to view an annular solar eclipse. During the event, also known as the "Ring of Fire," the moon will pass between the sun and Earth at or near its farthest point away from the planet. The moon will be smaller than the sun and will be surrounded by a dazzling halo. Viewers should use eclipse glasses to protect their eyes while viewing the phenomena. On October 28, there will also be a partial moon eclipse. Because the sun, Earth, and moon are not perfectly aligned, just a portion of the moon will be under shadow. This partial eclipse will be visible across Europe, Asia, Australia, and parts of North America, among other places.

Quick and Easy Morning Routine for a Healthy Start! 🌞💪

Monday, September 18, 2023

This is the very thing that you really want to be aware of the kickoff of UNGA

This is the very thing you really want to be familiar with the launch of UNGA As the significant level seven day stretch of the UN General Gathering started off on Monday, world pioneers accumulated for the SDG Culmination, where they embraced a political statement to speed up activity for the Practical Improvement Objectives. The 17 Worldwide Objectives are intended to drive financial flourishing and prosperity for all individuals while safeguarding the climate. However, at the midpoint to the 2030 objective to accomplish the Objectives, most are tragically off course. "The Worldwide Objectives convey the expectations, freedoms and assumptions for individuals all over the place," said UN Secretary-General António Guterres, calling for evil act to safeguard the Objectives. "Right now is an ideal opportunity for pioneers to stay faithful to their commitment to fabricate a universe of wellbeing, progress and a chance for all," he added. UNGA forges ahead with Tuesday with the kickoff of the yearly Broad Discussion, during which world pioneers will share their answers and vision for probably the most concerning issues confronting mankind.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Gouging! Goat stops cruiser rider to take their food

Gouging! Goat stops cruiser rider to take their food A brazen goat directed his internal Dick Turpin to stop a cruiser rider and take their food - very much like the interstate burglar of old. The one-year-old livestock named Sasita impeded the street with his group of canines, constraining the bike rider to pull over in Chainat area, Thailand, on August 29. Film shows Sasita remaining on his rear legs as he holds the vehicle's crate and scavenges for snacks, his sharp demon like horns shining in the daylight. Sasita took out bundled bread and a sack of rice while arguing for the goat to stop. He proceeded with the burglary until an elederly occupant rose up out of the side of the road with a stick to pursue him away. Dick Turpin was perhaps of the most famous robber ever. He was known for trying thefts and his capacity to get away from catch, procuring him a spot in legends for a long time into the future.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

ChatGPT "Elon Musk Advocates for AI 'Referee' System During Closed-Door Senate AI Summit"

Billionaire Elon Musk called for an artificial intelligence “referee” on Wednesday as tech tycoons and lawmakers met for a closed-door summit in Washington, D.C. to discuss the best way to regulate the burgeoning technology. Organized by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Musk was joined by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, Google CEO Sundar Pichai, former Microsoft boss Bill Gates, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and more than 60 US senators. “It’s important for us to have a referee,” Musk told reporters, on the sidelines of the summit, adding that regulations were needed “to ensure that companies take actions that are safe and in the general interest of the public.” Musk referred to AI as a “double-edged sword” that could bring major benefits or have disastrous consequences for humanity — repeating a frequent warning that he and other tech bigwigs have given in recent months. Meanwhile, Zuckerberg said Congress “should engage with AI to support innovation and safeguards.” “This is an emerging technology, there are important equities to balance here, and the government is ultimately responsible for that,” Zuckerberg said, arguing that it is “better that the standard is set by American companies that can work with our government to shape these models on important issues.” The meeting occurred as a growing number of AI critics, from lawmakers to those in Hollywood, calling for federal regulation to stave off any disastrous consequences, including a rise of deepfake content ahead of the 2024 election. Key issues under consideration include AI’s impact on the US economy, including its potential to cause sweeping job losses in Hollywood and other sectors. In his opening remarks, Schumer described the meeting as the start of “an enormous and complex and vital undertaking: building a foundation for bipartisan AI policy that Congress can pass.” “Congress must play a role, because without Congress we will neither maximize AI’s benefits, nor minimize its risks,” Schumer added. Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle expressed support for some kind of AI-related legislation in the months and years ahead. However, the exact composition of that legislation — and a timeline for its passage — is still unclear. “Are we ready to go out and write legislation? Absolutely not,” Republican Sen. Mike Rounds said. “We’re not there.” The meeting’s closed-door format drew some harsh words from Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri, who questioned whether it would yield any actual progress on the AI issue. “I don’t know why we would invite all the biggest monopolists in the world to come and give Congress tips on how to help them make more money,” Hawley said. During the discussion, Musk, who launched his own artificial intelligence startup called xAI in July, expressed concern about the development of so-called “deeper AI” with human-like data processing capabilities. Musk “raised concerns about data centers so powerful and big that they could be seen from space, with a level of intelligence that is currently hard to comprehend,” Bloomberg reported, citing a source familiar with the matter. Meanwhile, the Tesla CEO and X owner reportedly downplayed concerns about risks associated with self-driving technology, which is under active development at his electric car company and its competitors. “This is an important, urgent, and in some ways unprecedented moment,” added Altman, who spoke to reporters ahead of the meeting. The success of OpenAI’s ChatGPT kickstarted Congressional scrutiny over the technology. Musk appeared in the same room as his rival Zuckerberg for the first time since plans for their highly anticipated “cage match” appeared to collapse last month. At the time, a frustrated Zuckerberg declared that Musk wasn’t “serious” about participating in a bout. Earlier, Musk was mobbed by a crowd of reporters and other onlookers as he entered the summit. In March, Musk was one of hundreds of AI experts who publicly called for a six-month pause in AI development – warning the potential risks of unrestrained advancements ranged from the spread of misinformation to “loss of control of our civilization.” Elsewhere, Altman has called on Congress to impose guardrails on the AI industry, though he has downplayed concerns about job losses. In May, the OpenAI boss co-signed a short statement that placed the risks of AI on par with nuclear weapons and pandemics. Collected from : New york post

"Allison Stokke's Pole Vaulting Career on the Brink Due to One Innocent Picture"

When she was seventeen, one of her pictures went viral Allison Stokke has made a name for herself as a gifted pole vaulter and fitness model, but this hasn’t always been the case. When she was just seventeen years old, she went viral, and not for reasons of her own choosing. Famous in sports When you’re an athlete, you obviously want to be famous simply for being the best, preferably without any scandals or negativity related to your private life. Athletes are all about sports, hard work, and talent. Still, athletes may run into situations that turn their entire lives upside down, leading them to garner fame for all the wrong reasons. This is exactly what happened to Allison Stokke when she was seventeen years old.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

15 Things Forbidden by The Bible That You Probably Do:

15 Things Forbidden by The Bible That You Probably Do: The Bible is a holy book that guides millions of people worldwide in their daily lives. However, did you know that there are some ridiculous things that are forbidden by the Bible, which you probably do every day? From wearing mixed fabrics to eating certain foods, the Bible’s rules can seem arbitrary and outdated to modern readers. Let’s explore some of these “forbidden” activities and see if you’re all sinful. Buckle up, and get ready to uncover some surprising revelations about the Bible’s strange prohibitions. 1.Wearing clothing made of mixed fabrics. According to Leviticus 19:19, people were forbidden to wear clothing made of two different materials, which in today’s world would be pretty much impossible if you want to have a fashion sense. 2.Eating pork or shellfish. Leviticus (11:7-12) strikes again, listing various animals that were considered unclean and therefore prohibited from being eaten, including pigs and 3. Shaving beards. Can you take a wild guess who said no to men shaving the edges of their beards? Leviticus 19:27. Just so you know, you’ll see his name pop up a lot here. 4.Tattoos or body piercings. Who would have thought that the same guy who was against trimming beards would also dislike tattoos and piercings, among many other things? It’s crazy how much clout Leviticus (19:28) had back in the day that people actually list 5.Charging interest on loans. The Bible forbids charging interest on loans to fellow Israelites, as noted in Deuteronomy 23:19-20. For everybody else, however, it’s all godsend to him.
6.Women speaking in the church. In 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, women are instructed to remain silent in church and are not allowed to speak. Ladies, you need to speak up! 7.Divorce. While divorce is now widely accepted, it was frowned upon in biblical times and seen as a sin, as stated in Mark 10:9-12.in silent in church and are not allowed to speak. Ladies, you need to speak up! 8.Banning women from the church after they gave birth. According to Leviticus 12:2, a woman that gave birth was not allowed to visit the church for a whole week. 9.No Tarot readings. Leviticus 19:31 forbids people to turn to mediums or spiritists. 10.No jewelry. According to Timothy 2:9, women had to wear proper clothing and look modest. Braiding hair, adorning gold or pear
11.Working on Saturday. Exodus 20:8-10 commands people to keep the Sabbath day holy and refrain from any work 12.Leave the fallen grapes for the bums. Leviticus 19:10 says not to pick up the grapes from the ground and instead leave them for the poor and the foreigner. This guy, wow. 13.Drinking too much wine. While drinking alcohol is not forbidden, Proverbs 23:20-21 cautions against getting sloshed. 14.No honey. According to Leviticus 2:11, the Lord hates honey and yeast in his offerings. Surely, that’s got nothing to do with the guy’s allergies. 15.Eating meat with blood. In Leviticus 17:10-14, it is forbidden to consume meat that still has blood in it. So all you rare steak aficionados are sinful as heck.

Monday, September 11, 2023

A Great Animal Lover Elon Musk [Parody ]

Animal lovers aren’t always going to be around animals. Sometimes, animal lovers have nothing else to do but sit at their work desk and Google I’m bored.
You can’t exactly bring a duck with you into work unless, of course, it’s cooked. Sometimes all you can do is just look out the window and watch as wild animals get to live their best lives without having to worry about paying bills.

BRICS Nations: Divergent Paths and Their Impact on the Global Economy Amidst Geopolitical Uncertainty"

The BRICS countries, originally an informal group of leading emerging economies in the early 2000s, have undergone distinct growth trajectories over the past two decades. Consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, these nations have played a pivotal role in reshaping the global economic landscape. As geopolitical uncertainty continues to prevail, their significance remains a subject of debate and analysis. This essay explores the diverse paths taken by BRICS countries, the evolution of the group's influence, and the implications for the global economy. The Rise of BRICS and Their Changing Dynamics The concept of BRICS was coined by Jim O'Neill, a former Goldman Sachs economist, to identify four rapidly growing countries expected to catch up with Western economies. However, the composition and narrative of BRICS have evolved since its inception. Brazil's growth slowed considerably around 2014 due to early de-industrialization. Russia, once a superpower, has struggled to regain its status, especially considering its relatively small post-communist economy. India, while experiencing impressive growth, has seen its relative share of global GDP diminish in comparison to China. The 'slouching tiger' and 'roaring dragon' metaphor aptly describes India and China's economic differences. South Africa's inclusion in the group has raised questions about its global significance. China's Dominance in BRICS The story of BRICS is primarily the story of China's remarkable ascent. China's sustained development over a prolonged period has profoundly altered the distribution of global economic power. Its economic growth, industrialization, and technological advancements have far outpaced those of other BRICS nations. China's GDP has surpassed that of many Western countries, solidifying its position as a global economic powerhouse. Consequently, China's influence within BRICS has grown significantly, leading some to question the group's dynamics and objectives. BRICS Institutionalization and Concerns As BRICS has become more formalized and institutionalized, hosting regular summits and establishing collective bodies, concerns have arisen regarding the potential normalization of authoritarian state capitalism within the group. Some argue that state-led development models in the East may offer advantages compared to Anglo-American economic and political structures. However, this perspective has also raised concerns about the compatibility of these models with an open global economy.
The Rise of BRICS and Their Changing Dynamics The concept of BRICS was coined by Jim O'Neill, a former Goldman Sachs economist, to identify four rapidly growing countries expected to catch up with Western economies. However, the composition and narrative of BRICS have evolved since its inception. Brazil's growth slowed considerably around 2014 due to early de-industrialization. Russia, once a superpower, has struggled to regain its status, especially considering its relatively small post-communist economy. India, while experiencing impressive growth, has seen its relative share of global GDP diminish in comparison to China. The 'slouching tiger' and 'roaring dragon' metaphor aptly describes India and China's economic differences. South Africa's inclusion in the group has raised questions about its global significance. China's Dominance in BRICS The story of BRICS is primarily the story of China's remarkable ascent. China's sustained development over a prolonged period has profoundly altered the distribution of global economic power. Its economic growth, industrialization, and technological advancements have far outpaced those of other BRICS nations. China's GDP has surpassed that of many Western countries, solidifying its position as a global economic powerhouse. Consequently, China's influence within BRICS has grown significantly, leading some to question the group's dynamics and objectives. BRICS Institutionalization and Concerns As BRICS has become more formalized and institutionalized, hosting regular summits and establishing collective bodies, concerns have arisen regarding the potential normalization of authoritarian state capitalism within the group. Some argue that state-led development models in the East may offer advantages compared to Anglo-American economic and political structures. However, this perspective has also raised concerns about the compatibility of these models with an open global economy. Geopolitical Challenges and Expanding Membership Recent geopolitical events, notably Russia's invasion of Ukraine, have rekindled concerns among Western liberals about BRICS' influence and its alignment with Western values. Additionally, reports of non-democratic states such as Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Argentina expressing interest in joining BRICS or exploring the possibility have raised further questions about the group's objectives and impact on the global political landscape. Conclusion The BRICS countries have experienced diverse economic trajectories since their formation, with China emerging as the dominant force reshaping the global economic order. The group's institutionalization has prompted debates about its compatibility with Western norms and values. Geopolitical events and the interest of non-democratic states in joining BRICS have added complexity to these discussions. As the world grapples with geopolitical uncertainty, the path and impact of the BRICS nations on the global economy remain subjects of ongoing scrutiny and debate. The future of BRICS will likely continue to shape the trajectory of global economic and political developments in the coming years.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Earn Money from home by Blog: Geopolitical Chess: The Endgame of the Ukraine Con...

Earn Money from home by Blog: Geopolitical Chess: The Endgame of the Ukraine Con...: Geopolitical Chess: The Endgame of the Ukraine Conflict and Its Global Impact: The world stands on edge as Russian President Vladimir Putin...

Earn Money from home by Blog: "G20 Faces Leadership Void as Putin Shifts Focus t...

Earn Money from home by Blog: "G20 Faces Leadership Void as Putin Shifts Focus t...: "G20 Faces Leadership Void as Putin Shifts Focus to North Korea Summit" When the leaders of the richest and most powerful countri...

Earn Money from home by Blog: "G20 Summit 2023: Akshata Murty's Act of Elegance ...

Earn Money from home by Blog: "G20 Summit 2023: Akshata Murty's Act of Elegance ...: Amid the brouhaha of the G20 Summit 2023 in Delhi, what stole the limelight was UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s tie. Or more specifically t...

Earn Money from home by Blog: On First session of G-20

Earn Money from home by Blog: On First session of G-20: Narendra Modi Spoke at Session 1 of the G20 Summit on the subject of One Earth. Highlighted the need to further human centric development, ...

Earn Money from home by Blog: "Rishi Sunak and Akshata Murty's India Journey: Fo...

Earn Money from home by Blog: "Rishi Sunak and Akshata Murty's India Journey: Fo...: The G20 summit in India has been honored with the presence of the UK's Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, and his wife, Akshata Murty. Their ...

Basic Statistics OF HIV........

HIV and AIDS remain a persistent problem for the United States and countries around the world. While great progress has been made in preventing and treating HIV, there is still much to do. The questions in this section provide a broad overview of the effects of HIV and AIDS in the United States and globally. Q. How many people become infected with HIV each year in the United States? collapsed A. About 50,000 people get infected with HIV each year. In 2010, there were around 47,500 new HIV infections in the United States. Q. How many people are living with HIV in the United States? expanded A. About 1.1 million people in the United States were living with HIV at the end of 2010, the most recent year this information was available. Of those people, about 16% do not know they are infected. Q. How does CDC know who is infected but does not know it? expanded A. CDC estimates the number of people living with HIV (called prevalence) by using a scientific model. This model helps CDC estimate the number of new HIV infections and how many people are infected but don’t know it. HIV prevalence is the number of people living with HIV infection at a given time, such as at the end of a given year. Q. How does HIV affect different groups of people? expanded A. There are different ways to answer this question. If we look at HIV infection by race and ethnicity, we see that African Americans are most affected by HIV. In 2010, African Americans made up only 12% of the US population, but had 44% of all new HIV infections. Additionally, Hispanic/Latinos are also strongly affected. They make up 17% of the US population, but had 21% of all new HIV infections.
Pie chart title: New HIV Infections by Race/Ethnicity, 2010. Of the 47,500 new HIV infections in 2010: 44% were in African Americans; 31% were in Whites; 21% were in Hispanic/Latinos; 2% were in Asians; 1% were in those of multiple races; Less than 1% were in American Indians/Alaska Natives; Less than 1% were in Native Hawaiians/Other Pacific Islanders If we look at HIV infections by how people got the virus (transmission category), we see that men who have sex with men (MSM) are most at risk. In 2010, MSM had 63% of all new HIV infections, even though they made up only around 2% of the population. Individuals infected through heterosexual sex made up 25% of all new HIV infections in 2010. Pie chart title: New HIV Infections by Transmission Category, 2010. Of the 47,400 new HIV infections in 2010: 63% were due to male to male sex; 25% were due to heterosexual contact; 8% were due to injection drug use; 3% were due to male to male sex and injection drug use Combining those two views allows us to see the most affected populations, by race and by risk factor. Figure1: Estimated New HIV Infections in the United States, 2010, for the Most Affected Subpopulations This bar chart shows the number of new HIV infections in 2010 for the most-affected sub-populations. The most new infections occurred among white men who have sex with men, or MSM, (11,200) followed by black MSM (10,600), Hispanic MSM (6,700), black heterosexual women (5,300), black heterosexual men (2,700), white heterosexual women (1,300), Hispanic heterosexual women (1,200), black male injection drug users, or IDU, (1,100) and black female IDU (850). There are also variations by age. Young people, aged 13-24 are especially affected by HIV. They comprised 16% of the US population, but accounted for 26% of all new HIV infections in 2010. All young people are not equally at risk, however. Young MSM, for example, accounted for 72% of all new infections in people aged 13-24, and young, African American MSM are even more severely affected. explain the impact of HIV on various populations in the United States. Q. Do parts of the country have more HIV than other parts? expanded A. Yes. HIV is largely an urban disease, with most cases occurring in metropolitan areas with 500,000 or more people. The South has the highest number of individuals living with HIV, but when you take population size into account, the Northeast has the highest rate of persons living with new HIV infections. (Rates are the number of cases of disease per 100,000 people. Rates allow comparisons between two groups of different sizes.) HIV and AIDS in the United Statesby Geographic Distribution is a fact sheet that explains the geography of HIV in the United States. Q. Do parts of the country have more HIV than other parts? expanded A. Yes. HIV is largely an urban disease, with most cases occurring in metropolitan areas with 500,000 or more people. The South has the highest number of individuals living with HIV, but when you take population size into account, the Northeast has the highest rate of persons living with new HIV infections. (Rates are the number of cases of disease per 100,000 people. Rates allow comparisons between two groups of different sizes.) HIV and AIDS in the United Statesby Geographic Distribution is a fact sheet that explains the geography of HIV in the United States. Q. Do parts of the country have more HIV than other parts? expanded A. Yes. HIV is largely an urban disease, with most cases occurring in metropolitan areas with 500,000 or more people. The South has the highest number of individuals living with HIV, but when you take population size into account, the Northeast has the highest rate of persons living with new HIV infections. (Rates are the number of cases of disease per 100,000 people. Rates allow comparisons between two groups of different sizes.) is a fact sheet that explains the geography of HIV in the United States.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

G20 Grants African Union Permanent Membership, India's PM Modi Announces :

G20 Grants African Union Permanent Membership, India's PM Modi Announces: Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, chairing the G20 summit, has confirmed that the Group of 20 nations agreed to grant the African Union (AU) permanent membership status in an appreciable move aimed at offering the continent to have a stronger voice on important questions and to uplift its unto the higher stage. “On the back of the hard work of all the teams, we have received consensus on the G20 Leaders Summit Declaration. I announce the adoption of this declaration,” Modi told the G20 leaders in New Delhi. He inaugurated the two-day meeting by calling on members to end a “global trust deficit” and announced that the bloc was granting permanent membership to the African Union in an effort to make it more representative. In its final declaration in New Delhi, the G20 granted the African Union (AU) a full-fledged membership. The provision about the membership was included in the G20’s final declaration, but the membership for AU will be formalized only next year, when Brazil takes over the presidency of G20 from India. Leaders from the world’s top economies attended summit in India under the theme: “One Earth, One Family, One Future” on September 9 – 10, but the leaders of the Group of 20 nations are riven by sharp geopolitical differences and deep-seated strategic fault lines these few years. The G20, a forum for the world’s leading economies, discussed several themes such as supply chain resilience, digital transformation, debt distress in developing countries, and climate change goals during its three-day gathering. According to Russian G20 Sherpa, Svetlana Lukas, earlier told Vedomosti financial newspaper that Russia was one of the first countries to support the AU’s application, which was filed last year by Senegalese President Macky Sall, who chaired the AU in 2022 and called upon the G20 leaders to grant the Africa-wide bloc a permanent seat in the group. “Russia believes that, once implemented, the initiative of African nations would contribute to strengthening the positions of the majority of countries worldwide and the interests of the Global South,” Lukas said. Russia’s G20 Sherpa recalled that Russian President Vladimir Putin had publicly voiced his support for the AU joining the G20 at the Russia-Africa Summit in St. Petersburg in late July. United States Joe Biden earlier in December 2022 also emphasized AU ascension during the African leaders’ summit held in Washington. So are Germany, Brazil, South Africa and Canada in full support for AU’s membership. Putin said on July 27 that Moscow expected the African Union to become a full member of the G20 as early as this September. He stressed that Russia considered the AU “as a leading regional organization that forms a modern security structure on the continent and creates conditions for ensuring Africa’s worthy place in the system of global economic ties.” Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, currently chairing the G20, also emphasized, in a comment to South Africa’s Mail & Guardian newspaper, that New Delhi was an advocate for the AU gaining full G20 membership. Modi wrote to the leaders of the G20 nations in June proposing that the AU be given full, permanent membership of the bloc at the upcoming summit in the Indian capital. The AU will have the same status as the European Union. In an article published across Indian and international newspapers ahead od the summit, Modi wrote, “Our presidency has not only seen the largest-ever participation from African countries but has also pushed for the inclusion of the African Union as a permanent member of the G20”. Supporting Africa’s application is in India’s real economic interests, as many Indian companies have a footprint on the continent, said Aleksey Kupriyanov, chairman of the South Asia group at the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO). According to him, New Delhi is also counting on earning high-profile PR points to burnish its reputation as a Global South leader. As for the European Union, the fact that African countries have mostly maintained a neutral stance on anti-Russian UN resolutions over Ukraine is a cause for worry in Brussels, thus prompting the bloc to look for ways to influence Africa, one of which is Brussels support for upgrading the continent’s status within the G20, explained Pavel Timofeev, head of the European Political Research Department at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations. “Bringing the AU into the G20 would enhance interaction between Russia and the continent and give Russian businesses better market opportunities there,” Natalya Piskunova, associate professor at Moscow State University’s Department of World Politics, concluded. The African Union has advocated for full membership for seven years, spokesperson Ebba Calando said, added that it has also been seeking reforms to a global financial system – including the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and a few other entities. The importance of this decision for the AU and Africa highlights Africa’s growing role in the global economic system. This move further represents progress from diplomatic intentions to concrete actions in making Africa more visible in the G20, with potential implications for politics, economics, and cultural relations. In addition, speakers on African issues have strongly called for a pragmatic approach to consider irreversible geopolitical changes, particularly in international financial and economic organizations, to create a more equitable global governance system. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres attended as an observer, with the heads of the IMF and the World Bank also in attendance. A delegation from the only African nation in the G20, South Africa, headed by President Cyril Ramaphosa. Among the few African guests was Nigerian President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. According to official documents, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping skipped summit in the capital New Delhi. The G20 consists of 19 countries and the European Union, making up about 85 percent of global GDP and two-thirds of the world’s population .

Morocco earthquake kills 820; here are the deadliest earthquakes in history

A deadly and rare earthquake of 6.8 magnitude hit the city of Marrakech in Morocco late Friday night, killing at least 820 people, according to the latest figures from the Morroco government. The final life loss is not clear yet, and the death toll is likely to go up as the extent of the damage done by the earthquake becomes clear. The earthquake has damaged buildings from villages in the Atlas Mountains to the historic city of Marrakech. The earthquake in Morocco is rare in terms of casualties it has caused, besides the infrastructural damage it has done. The head of the town, Talat N'Yaaqoub told a local news platform that several homes in the towns in the Al Haouz region had partly or totally collapsed. Electricity supply and road infrastructure were also damaged in some places, N'Yaaqoub said. According to a PTI report, the famous red walls, a UNESCO World Heritage site, surrounding Marrakech's old city were also damaged. Citizens posted videos showing buildings reduced to debris.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Sasha Obama seen out in Los Angeles smoking cigarettes with her friends. The pictures are now going viral.

Sasha Obama Spotted Smoking in Los Angeles: A Glimpse into the Life of a Teenager: In recent days, social media has been abuzz with images of Sasha Obama, the younger daughter of former President Barack Obama, casually enjoying a cigarette with her friends on the streets of Los Angeles. The pictures have quickly gone viral, sparking a flurry of discussions and debates. While it is not uncommon for the actions of public figures and their families to draw significant attention, it's essential to approach such situations with care and respect for privacy. Sasha, who celebrated her 21st birthday earlier this year, is now navigating the world as a young adult. The images of her smoking have prompted questions about the choices and behaviors of the children of prominent figures, but they also provide an opportunity for a broader conversation about the challenges and experiences teenagers face today. It is crucial to remember that Sasha Obama is a private citizen, and like many young adults her age, she is entitled to make her own choices and decisions. Smoking is undoubtedly a health concern, and it's essential to promote healthy lifestyles and choices among young people. However, the public scrutiny of a teenager's actions should be done with caution, recognizing that personal growth and development often involve making mistakes and learning from them. It's also important to consider the broader context of these images. Teenagers sometimes experiment with behaviors that may not reflect their long-term choices or values. Sasha, like countless other young people, is in a phase of self-discovery and exploration, and her actions at this moment may not define her entire future. The Obama family has always been subjected to intense public scrutiny, and their children have grown up in the spotlight. While they have generally lived their lives with grace and composure, they, too, deserve space for personal growth and the opportunity to learn from their experiences. The viral images of Sasha Obama serve as a reminder that parenting and guiding teenagers through these formative years can be a challenging task, even for families in the public eye. The role of parents, mentors, and educators in imparting valuable life lessons and decision-making skills to teenagers cannot be understated. It is a reminder that society must continue to invest in programs and resources to support young people in making informed choices. In conclusion, the recent images of Sasha Obama smoking in Los Angeles have generated significant attention and discussion. However, it's crucial to approach such situations with empathy and respect for the privacy and growth of a young individual. While the actions of public figures and their families are often scrutinized, we must remember that they, too, are navigating the complexities of adolescence and young adulthood. Instead of focusing solely on the actions of one individual, let us use this moment as an opportunity to engage in conversations about the challenges teenagers face and how we can support them on their journey to adulthood.

Earn Money from home by Blog: "G20 Faces Leadership Void as Putin Shifts Focus t...

Earn Money from home by Blog: "G20 Faces Leadership Void as Putin Shifts Focus t...: "G20 Faces Leadership Void as Putin Shifts Focus to North Korea Summit" When the leaders of the richest and most powerful countri...

Thursday, September 7, 2023

"Hurricane Lee Intensifies to Category 5, US Impact Uncertain in Upcoming Week"

Tropical Storm Lee is expected to rapidly intensify into an “extremely dangerous” hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean by this weekend, the National Hurricane Center said Wednesday morning, as the season approaches its typical early September peak. Lee could become a hurricane Wednesday then a major Category 3 storm or stronger by late this week, with the Leeward Islands of the Caribbean expected to feel its impacts over the weekend, forecasters said. “Lee is not far from hurricane strength, and it likely will achieve that status later today,” the National Hurricane Center noted in its 5 a.m. update. “While it is too soon to determine the location and magnitude of these possible impacts, interests in this area should monitor the progress of Lee and further updates to the forecast.” The tropical storm is packing maximum sustained winds of 65 mph and is about 1,300 miles east-southeast of the northern Leeward Islands, according to the hurricane center. The islands include the Virgin Islands, Saint Martin, and Antigua and Barbuda.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

"UN Warns of Devastation to Ocean Floor Caused by Sand Dredging"

Around six billion tonnes of sand is dredged from the world's oceans every year, endangering marine life and coastal communities, the UN says. Sand is the most exploited natural resource in the world after water and is used to produce concrete and glass. The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) said some vessels were acting as vacuum cleaners, dredging both sand and micro-organisms that fish feed on. This means that life may never recover in some areas. The new data coincides with the launch of a new analysis tool called Marine Sand Watch that monitors dredging activities using marine tracking and artificial intelligence. "The scale of environmental impacts of shallow sea mining activities and dredging is alarming," said Pascal Peduzzi, who heads UNEP's analytics centre GRID-Geneva. The new platform estimates that out of some 50bn tonnes of sand and gravel used by humanity each year, an average of six billion tonnes come from the world's oceans and seas. This is the equivalent of "more than one million dump trucks every day", Mr Peduzzi said. The marine environment must be given time to recover, he said, adding that "it's not sustainable". Large vessels were "basically sterilising the bottom of the sea by extracting sand and crunching all the microorganisms that are feeding fish", Mr Peduzzi said. Sometimes the sand is dredged to the bedrock, meaning marine life may never recover, he added. The UNEP recommended that sand dredging should also be banned from beaches to protect coastal resilience and economies. Sand is essential for constructing buildings, roads, hydroelectric dams and solar panels. It can also play an important environmental role, protecting communities from rising sea levels. The South China Sea, the North Sea and the US east coast are among the areas where the most dredging has occurred, the report states.

Earn Money from home by Blog: "Tech Titans Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan Sm...

Earn Money from home by Blog: "Tech Titans Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan Sm...: Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan have sold one of their San Francisco homes for $31 million in an off-market deal, a spokesperson for the...

Earn Money from home by Blog: "Game On or Game Over? Unveiling the Extraordinary...

Earn Money from home by Blog: "Game On or Game Over? Unveiling the Extraordinary...: "Game On or Game Over? Unveiling the Extraordinary Impact of Gaming on Mind and Body! Gaming has become a popular form of entertainmen...

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Earn Money from home by Blog: Make Money from Home

Earn Money from home by Blog: Make Money from Home: https://www.highcpmrevenuegate.com/b58htqe9?key=b7151c554e380a082531af6a8854c497

"Sky Unveils Its Vivid Canvas as 5th FAI Women's World Hot Air Ballooning Championship Takes Off Amidst Showers and a Mesmerizing Rainbow Spectacle!"

The task briefing for the first competitive slot of the 5th FAI Women’s World Hot Air Balloon Championship (WWHABC) was held this morning in Northam, Western Australia. With the practice flight, opening ceremony and general briefing all behind them, the field of women competitors were keen to get into the air and start earning Championship points. Competitors arrived at the briefing center to find the task data sheet on the table. It listed three competitive tasks: Pilot Declared Goal (PDG), followed by two Judge Declared goals (JDG). PDG to be a logger mark only. The two JDG tasks had red and blue markers for a free marker drop at the targets. To open the briefing, Meteorologist, Don Whiteford, shared the details about the current weather situation and outlook for the flight window. “Isolated showers and drizzle” were in the forecast. Wind speed and direction in Northam mirrored the forecast. Event Director, Gary Lacey, began the task briefing. A mass launch at CLA 3 (Common Launch Area), the same paddock that pilots knew from the pre-event practice flight. Task details were reviewed and questions answered. Meet at the signals point to watch for the launch window to open after 6:15AM, after display of the green flag. Burners were tested as pilots and their teams were readying their equipment. The yellow flag, a 5-minute warning, was raised. And about that time, a rainbow, then a double rainbow, began forming in the sky. A rainbow is often considered a sign of good luck. And a sign of hope. But it also means there is rain nearby. And yes, the rain arrived at the launch field, along with the black flag indicating cancellation of the Monday AM flight. But we still consider the rainbow a sign of hope and good fortune. Hope that the best flying weather arrives soon. And our good fortune to be here in Northam, ready and waiting for all the good flights and good times to come this week. So, for this morning, off to an early breakfast at Lucy’s Café.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Earn Money from home by Blog: Russian military blogger Andrey Kurshin has been a...

Earn Money from home by Blog: Russian military blogger Andrey Kurshin has been a...: A Russian military blogger who has written critically of Russia’s conduct in Ukraine was arrested in Moscow Thursday, according to state ...

Earn Money from home by Blog: 'Violent riot' lasts through the night in Sweden a...

Earn Money from home by Blog: 'Violent riot' lasts through the night in Sweden a...: The protest is the latest in a series condemning Koran burnings in Sweden, which has no law prohibiting the burning or desecration of relig...

Unlocking the Mysteries of HIV: Do You Have a Basic Understanding?

The virus, HIV, was first observed in the United States in 1981 by a cluster of injection drug users and gay men with no known cause of impaired immunity who showed symptoms of Pneumococcus Carina pneumonia (PCP), a rare opportunistic infection that was known to occur in people with very compromised immune systems. Soon thereafter, additional gay men developed a previously rare skin cancer called Kaposi's sarcoma (KS). Many more cases of PCP and KS emerged, alerting the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and forming a task force to monitor the outbreak. In 1983, two separate research groups led by Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier independently declared that a novel retrovirus may have been infecting AIDS patients, and published their findings in the same issue of the journal Science. Gallo claimed that a virus his group had isolated from an AIDS patient was strikingly similar in shape to other human T-phototropic viruses (HTLVs) they had been the first to isolate. They named their newly isolated virus HTLV-III. At the same time, Montagnier's group isolated a virus from a patient presenting with swelling of the lymph nodes of the neck and physical weakness, two classic symptoms of AIDS. Contradicting the report from Gallo's group, Montagnier and his colleagues showed that core proteins of this virus were immunologically different from those of HTLV-I. Montagnier's group named their isolated virus lymphadenopathy-associated virus (LAV). As these two viruses turned out to be the same, in 1986, LAV and HTLV-III were renamed HIV.

Earn Money from home by Blog: ICC Men’s World Cup 2023: Full Schedule with date,...

Earn Money from home by Blog: ICC Men’s World Cup 2023: Full Schedule with date,...: ICC Men’s World Cup 2023 Schedule: A total of ten teams, including the defending champions England from the 2019 edition, will compete in t...

Earn Money from home by Blog: Nobel foundation withdraws invitation for Russia, ...

Earn Money from home by Blog: Nobel foundation withdraws invitation for Russia, ...: Several Swedish officials also decided to skip the ceremonies in Stockholm in protest after the foundation had initially invited representa...

Earn Money from home by Blog: Empowering Personal Growth: The Significance of Ed...

Earn Money from home by Blog: Empowering Personal Growth: The Significance of Ed...: Introduction: In the grand tapestry of human experience, one element stands out as a fundamental driver of personal success - education. It...